How to buy - Zelena Avenija

How to buy

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Realization of the purchase of an apartment in Zelene Avenije Green Avenue from the funds of a housing loan:

– After choosing a residential unit or specific real estate, the first step is the conclusion of a preliminary contract between the Seller (Investor) and the Buyer. The next step is the certification of the apartment purchase contract at the competent Notary Public.

– After the certification of the Agreement, within 5 days, the Buyer is obliged to – in accordance with the terms of the Preliminary Agreement – pay the amount of the first installment of the purchase price to the Seller’s account, namely at least 20% of the total agreed purchase price of the real estate.

– In the event that a part of the purchase price is paid out of the housing loan funds, the bank will consider the paid amount as participation in the loan.

– After that, a mortgage is established on the apartment that is the subject of sale.

– After the degree of construction of the building reaches a certain percentage (it can be from 20% to 80%)* and the Buyer receives written information from the Investor via electronic channels (e-mail), the Buyer is obliged to submit the appropriate documentation to the selected commercial bank and start the approval process loan, then the payment of the rest of the purchase price of the real estate is realized from the funds of the approved loan.

– After processing the loan by the bank and registering the mortgage in the cadastre, the bank, on behalf of the Buyer, disburses the loan funds in the name of payment of the purchase price of the real estate, to the account of the Seller (Investor).


If you have chosen to have your first apartment inZelenoj Aveniji, it is important to know that when purchasing your first property, as a buyer you have the option of a 10% VAT refund. The conditions you must meet for a refund are:

  • that you do not own real estate (co-ownership) – until July 1, 2006 and
  • that your are buying an apartment from an Investor who is in the VAT system.

The real estate itself can be completed or under construction. Please note that VAT is not refunded for parking spaces and garages.

Thank you for choosing Zelenu Aveniju!

Notes: Banks reserve the right to assess the creditworthiness of each client individually and to ask him for additional means of securing the loan. The Investor cannot influence and contract the relationship between the Bank and the Customer.

*The investor reserves the right to ask the buyer to enter the loan application procedure before the construction stage reaches 80%, since Green Avenue projects are recognized as a safe purchase in all banks.
